Scared of Amazon Invoice Verification?

Learn How You Can Let Experts Help You Pass The Test Easily

Amazon has fought hard to win the battle against counterfeit and low-quality products.

The increase in popularity of the online marketplace has led to quality-control challenges for the company, due to which invoice authentication requests (read demands) are enforced increasingly to tighten checks and balances upon sellers. Most of the time, the prompts are very sudden with a very short deadline for submission - so without beating around the bush, we’ll dive straight into the details and guide you through every step you need to take to safely make it to the other side of the challenge.

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What Is Amazon Invoice Verification? 

Amazon Invoice Verification is an inspection from Amazon where you have to submit post-sale invoices for your inventory to confirm the validity of the supplier you are buying from as well as the authenticity of your goods. The check is carried out to eliminate counterfeit threats, safeguard brand rights, and maintain the integrity of the marketplace. 

Sounds great on paper…no?

While the process does have its benefits of putting a stop to bad players in the market, it also creates a lot of hurdles for small and mid-sized sellers as Amazon has very strict and specific requirements for invoice clearance, which are complicated and even impossible at times for sellers to meet. 

You cannot just submit anything and happily continue to benefit from sales on your account. Even for private label invoices, which are relatively simpler to process compared to other business models, sellers struggle to get their invoices accepted straight away. You need to learn the precise approval criteria, requirements, and formatting demanded, then get your suppliers to produce precisely what Amazon needs in order to keep your selling privileges with you. 

It’s a jump scare for most, honestly :) ... ESPECIALLY if you are in the reselling or dropshipping business model because then, you do not have invoices BEFORE you have made the sale. 

However, it’s easy when Mr. Jeff has got you covered. We’ll tell you exactly what to do.

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Tackling Amazon Invoice Verification Tests 

When Does it Happen? Requests for Amazon Invoice Verification are quickly turning into a common practice by Amazon for authenticating and screening new seller accounts that have recently posted their product(s) OR are nearing the end of their first 90–120 day selling term. Aside from that, sellers usually receive verification prompts for invoices whenever product authenticity is in question or complaints are received.

The most common situations that spark invoice investigations are:

What To Do Then? Before we get started, there is an important rule to remember.

You CANNOT fake your way out of Amazon Invoice Authentication. 

Once Amazon has demanded the invoices, your account is under the red zone until you are given clearance. It is important to keep in mind that you can NOT use fabricated invoices, as Amazon has proper digital forensic systems and verification investigators to gauge the legitimacy of your submitted documentation. Forging any documents is considered a serious offense leading to a permanent ban on the account.  

Seriously, why risk your business when there are better ways to handle it nicely?

That being said, the first step is to get the basics right. Afterward, we will provide our secret service to ensure you pass the test successfully.

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Getting the Basics Right 


Failing to understand what Amazon exactly requires in their invoices is the number#1 reason why sellers struggle so much with getting their invoices accepted. Your invoices must be as follows:

Read what Amazon has to say about basics in their own words. 

Invoices must be dated within the last 365 days or reflect the delivery or purchase of products within the last 180 days. All documents must be valid and unexpired. All documents must be clear and legible. No information other than pricing may be redacted.”

Getting your invoices matched to the above criteria is necessary since your supplier will most likely be contacted by Amazon directly. As with all response submissions to Amazon, there are only a few chances to effectively submit your invoices, so make sure you are doing it perfectly from the very first go. 

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But what if arranging the ‘perfect’ invoice is impossible? 

Happens very frequently to sellers…

Usually, when sellers are working on the dropshipping model or are unable to meet huge MOQs and terms of conditions of big brands for reselling, they go to third-party sources of inventory purchase that cannot provide valid supply chain documentation for Amazon.

This is where Mr. Jeff’s Invoice Service comes to the rescue. We provide legit invoices from real manufacturers and verified suppliers specialized in providing invoices EXACTLY as per Amazon’s requirements. In just 72 hours, we not only provide document verifications and letters of authorization when Amazon Investigation teams contact us, we also provide video proof of inventory to Amazon once you register with us. Our goal is to get you through the roadblocks without any hassles. 

So before the trouble knocks on the door, contact Mr. Jeff through the form below to immediately get your account secured from invoice-related troubles right away. 

It is also a great life-saver for your business if you are already stuck in the middle of chaos. All you need to do is to get us onboard and sit back to relax while our experts sort the mess out for you :)

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